Saturday, May 21, 2011

New shoes.. Yay??? Gross pictures alert

Ok. A week ago I bought myself a pair of new shoes. I was in love with them, well still am, but it’s kind of a complicated love that hurts real bad but has a lot of potential. The thing is it hurts like hell to wear them. While I was walking home with the shoes on, I felt kind of a tingling sensation at first that later developed into an excruciating pain.

About 7 min later I arrived home and discovered this.

Huh, so that’s why it hurt to walk. And being quite used to this happening with most of my shoes, I just added a plaster and was done with it. Then I had to leave home, but I forgot to take my phone with me so I came back after walking about 150m or so.

And made a second fabulous discovery.


Plasters didn’t work, go figure.. But I was not willing to give up just yet, I sprayed the backs of my shoes with macadamia nut oil (just an oily product that was in reach), hoping that it would soften the back and plastered my feet again.


Actually there were so many layers of plaster that it was uncomfortable to walk, but not painful.

So at the end of the day I felt like this about my shoes


That they were sent from hell and had barb wire, machetes and Kalashnikovs implanted in them. They also had swastika on them…

I wore them for a couple of days but then I ran out of plaster to keep my feet relatively pain free.

So this brings me to the main point of this whole article.

What to do when your new shoes make your feet hurt?

Have a nice one,



  1. O god I hate when this happens!! Your pictures of the swastika made me laugh out loud!!
    There is a miracle product that I use, just let me go find you a link...please hold
    Here you go

    sarah x

  2. Yay! Thanks for the recommendation!
