Tuesday, September 27, 2011

First e.l.f Haul

So I received my first e.l.f haul before September and without further ado I present to you the products.

e.l.f Studio Blush in Berry


I use this basically every day. It’s quite long-lasting and has some shimmer in it, which I don’t really like.

e.l.f Natural Radiance Blusher in Coy


I don’t really like it because it is so sheer that it’s basically a pink shimmer. Might work for some, but I like my blush to have more pigmentation.

e.l.f Natural Radiance Blusher in Glow


Same thing with this one, except this is an orange shimmer.

e.l.f Studio Cream Eyeliner in Black


I’m not in love with this one either, the colour starts to bleed a bit for me and is definitely not waterproof or long-lasting. Brush can be worked with, but is not very precise.

e.l.f Eye Brights eye shadow quad in Luxe


The colours are swatched upon a primer and are pretty good, the lightest shade is the most problematic in terms of pigmentation. The shadow is just so tightly pressed and solid, I had a lot of problem getting any colour on my finger, basically I just scraped the product from the palette. And the design of the palette is just ridiculous, I mean tiny triangles????? Stupid.

e.l.f nail polish in Desert Haze and Light Red


So I should really warn those people, who have not ordered e.l.f nail polishes online. The pictures shown on the homepage are NOTHING like in real life. Light Red seemed like a white based reddish coral from their online shop and as you can see, it’s nothing like the product I was expecting. So definitely google swatches, there are loads of swatches from every colour they offer.

Now for the actual product- they wear quite well, I love Desert Haze on my toes and it would be great to do newspaper manicure with it. And Light Red is just a red, as if I didn’t had one like that before so I was really disappointed in their homepage swatches.

e.l.f Studio Flat Top Powder Brush


Now the brush is quite decent, synthetic bristles, very dense and at least mine hasn’t shed a hair.

And I made a look using the quad, I didn’t incorporate the red one because I think it would have been ‘too much’. I have another way for using the red one and I’m sure I will show it to you some day.


And people, who don’t know it, the brown spot on my nose is a mole not a black booger.

Hope you liked it.

With love,



  1. Vastupidiselt sinule olen mina selle "black" cream eyelineriga väga rahul. Jääb hästi peale, katab hästi ja ühe kora vihma kätte sattudes püsis ka veatult peal:) Seevastu "gunmetal" on hoopis teise koostise ja püsivusega, pole eriti rahul.

    Sellega olen küll nõus, et sealsed pildid(toonid) ei vasta tegelikkusele. Esimese tellimusega aasta tagasi tellisin küünelaki toonis Champagne, kodulehel oli ilus heleroosakas toon. Kättesaades oli hoopis teine värv ja üldse mitte selline nagu lootsin.

  2. Ma ei julge kunagi sealt tellida, kui pole enne uurinud. Ja see käib ka mõndade teiste lehekülgede kohta. Must cream eyeliner pole mind ka mitte kunagi alt vedanud :)

  3. Mul on huulepulkadega olnud sama jama... ala pildil nude aga in real hoopis tumepruun :D jne..

  4. Soovitan pintsli enne kasutamist ära pesta. Minu E.l.f'i omadest tuli pestes mingit rohelist jama välja. Õnneks ma polnud neid enne pesemist kasutanud..
    Esimene blush on väga ilusat tooni. :)

    Päikest !

  5. Sissukas & Grete: Ma olin isegi väga üllatunud, et see toode mind alt vedas, kuna reviewd on väga head olnud. Ma ise kardan, et nad on koostist muutnud, kuna ka BeautyFlu-s oli kirjutatud, et ta ei ole sellega rahul.

    R: Täiesti absurd minu meelest, et nii populaarsel firmal ei ole õiged toonid kodulehel..

    Lil'M: Mul on see mingi kuu juba olnud, et pestud on teda mitu korda juba, aga värvi andis tõesti jubedalt, õnneks ainult märjana, sest ma olin kasutanud seda enne kui pesin. Kuigi see on väga vale :D aga ma olen lihtsalt väga kannatamatu..
